Foto: Niños Aymara en Baile de pastorcitos

In Chile, the Aymara people are distributed in two main territories: most living in the province of Tarapaca and the others in the province of Atacama.

The first group are located in the precordillera and the higher plateaus, from north to south, between the national boundaries with Peru and Bolivia, and the small towns of Ayquina and Toconce.

In the east, the Aymara territory limits with Bolivia and expands to west along a line thar connects Visviri to Ayquina, crossing through the towns of Putre, Livilcar, Mamiña, Pica and Lequena.

The second zone corresponds to a small area in the Atacameño territory. From north to south, it stretches from the outskirts of Caspana to Talabre.

Through this territory, a complex cultural expansion has taken place.

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